de Chassart

Swings for Lives

Adrien is very proud to be the patron of Swings for Lives, an association that is particularly close to his heart, not only for the projects it supports but also for the friendship he maintains with its organizers.

"I have known Nathalie and Philippe for quite a few years. Their new nonprofit organization, 'Swings for Lives,' approached me in 2021 to become the patron of the association. I thought it was a great idea to support such a cause. Given that Belgium is a small country, it is pleasant to be able to rely on so many recognized Belgian golf players on the circuit, including myself on the PGA Tour. It is important for me to send support videos to the association from time to time, especially since I travel a lot. At my level, if I can help, even just a little, in fundraising for the association through my involvement, it makes me very proud. Being a patron of the association and contributing to alleviating the moral suffering of children (poverty and serious illnesses) through 'Swings for Lives' is something very important to me."